Ruskin Bond is my favorite author and poet. I have read his books and poems and simply loved them. My mom introduced me to Ruskin Bond by asking me to read his book "Collected Fiction". I especially like his short stories, The Woman on Platform No.8, Chachi's Funeral and The Story of Madhu.
I am grateful to have an autographed book of my favourite author, which is another of my prized possession.

Bond spent his childhood with his grandparents in their house in Dehradun, where he grew up in the company of a number of pets. He developed a deep love for nature, which is evident in most of his works.
The poem Granny's Tree Climbing has been taken from An Island Of Trees, which is a collection of short stories and poems dealing exclusively with Bond's love for nature.
I wish I get the opportunity to meet Ruskin Bond Sir.
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